Tasks Done
Spencer Shulem
Lachlan Gardner
Yes. Thanks Spencer!
Spencer Shulem
Hey everyone! This should be currently available as a filter. If you tap on the filter icon in the center on iOS or in the lower right hand corner on Android there should be a "Completed" option to view completed tasks. Is this what we're talking about?
Luís Chalupa
Spencer Shulem: I have the app installed on iOS and I swear that a doesn’t have the icon filter to see my completed tasks. Have I miss something?
Spencer Shulem
Luís Chalupa: Hey! So if you tap into a list, there is a filter icon at the bottom in the center, it's where you can filter by due date. At the bottom of those options, there's a "Completed" option. Do you see that? If not I can post a quick video!
Geoff Walcha
Yes please. Another feature I used all the time in Wunderlist. very helpful when sharing a grocery list with my wife. We could easily look to “Done” tasks, uncheck them and add a grocery back to our list.